Thursday, 29 November 2012

Five ways to get straight hair naturally

Coconut and Lemon
 Add a few drops of lemon juice to freshly prepared coconut milk and mix well. Keep the glass of coconut milk and lemon juice into refrigerator for a few hours. A thick foamy layer will appear over the glass, which needs to be applied on the scalp and entire length of the hair right away. Steam your hair for 15-20 minutes after this and follow it up with a wash. Repeat this process regularly to get straighter hair.
Crush a few fresh celery leaves and mix them with a little water. Squeeze it to extract the juice and store it in bottle. The bottle has to be left unused for at least a day, so as to allow the juice to develop properties and effectiveness for straightening. Using them regularly, preferably in the morning, before bath will help in straightening hair. Massage it well on the scalp and leave it for 15-30 minutes, prior to washing it off with a shampoo.
The Milky Way
Milk is known to have moisturizing properties, which are suitable in straightening the hair. Take half cup of milk, preferably boiled and cooled. Then mix it with half cup of water. Store it in a spray bottle and spray over the hair. Allow it to stand for half an hour, before shampooing the hair. This mixture will help in straightening as well as adding substantial amount of moisture to add smoothness to the hair.
Cast a Spell with Castor
Castor oil is known to have hair growth and hair straightening properties. Massage the oil on the scalp, along your hair strands and then comb your hair properly. As you comb, blow dry your hair, which has been separated into sections, on high heat. The hair should feel dry and not oily after being blow dried. When done, wrap it with a chilled towel and leave for half an hour. It will soothe the hair from excessive heat and will restore the straightness.
Hair Dryer and Hair Brush
This combination is something that people have seen in salons and spas. This can be done at home too! Get a hair dryer and a good hair brush, which will stretch and hold your hair firmly in place. Comb your wet hair and while it is still wet, use hair brush to stretch a section of hair by rolling it in end and then blow dry it. Repeat the process for other sections of wet hair till dry.

Home-made hair packs for luscious hair in winter

A good hair care routine is a must during the winter months.  Lack of moisture in the air coupled with decreased humidity and pollution makes your hair weak causing split ends and damage. To regain the nourished and glossy look of your hair, try some of these time-tested beauty regimes, formulated by our experts especially for this season.

Home-made hair care packs for winter

  1. Strawberry pack – You will need: One cup crushed strawberries, half cup rosemary shredded and one tablespoon vinegar. Mix the above ingredients well in a bowl and apply to your hair. Leave it on till its dry (about half an hour) and rinse. This pack works well even on coloured hair.
  2. Egg and banana pack – Bananas make for wonderful hair conditioners. Use ripe ones for maximum benefit. You will need:  two ripe mashed bananas, two eggs beaten well, juice of one lime and two vitamin E capsules. Mix all the items in a bowl, apply to your hair and wear a shower cap, keep it on for about thirty minutes, then shampoo. This pack can be used as often as twice a week.
  3. Fuller’s earth pack – Fuller’s earth or multani mitti is a must in beauty regimes of Indian women. You will need:  two tablespoons each of Fuller’s earth and gram flour (besan) and half cup vinegar. Mix well and apply for twenty minutes, then rinse. For very dry hair, you can apply hair oil before putting on the pack.
  4. Shikakai pack – You will need: two to three tablespoon shikakai powder, two tablespoon each of fenugreek seeds and green gram (soaked the previous night and blended together). To this add one whole egg, mix well and use like a shampoo. This pack makes hair soft and shiny.
  5. Egg pack – You will need: two eggs and three tablespoons olive oil. Blend both the ingredients well and apply to your hair leaving on for twenty minutes. Cover your hair with a plastic wrap for maximum benefit.
  6. Beer pack - Use flat beer to get lustrous tresses. Simply apply the required quantity onto your hair, leave on for ten minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.
  7. Egg and yoghurt pack - You will need: one cup yoghurt, yolk of one egg and one teaspoon lemon juice. Mix the first two ingredients and to it add the lemon juice slowly. Leave it on your hair for about half an hour, then wash. Yoghurt also takes care of dandruff while egg is a great moisturizer.
  8. Castor oil and honey pack - You will need: one tablespoon honey, two tablespoon castor oil and one egg. Mix them and apply to hair. Leave on for about an hour, then shampoo.
  9. Aloe vera pack – You will need: one tablespoon aloe vera gel, one teaspoon lemon juice and two tablespoon coconut or olive oil. Mix the ingredients, apply well and leave it on for about forty-five minutes, then rinse off with  shampoo.
  10. Avocado and milk pack – You will need: one cup milk, one cup water, some dried rose petals, a ripe avocado, two teaspoon almond paste, and two teaspoon honey. Boil the first three items, allow to cool, and then blend. While blending add the remaining ingredients, apply to hair and leave on for thirty minutes, then rinse off.

Health miracles of Honey

Honey is composed of sugars like glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. It contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3 all of which change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen. Besides the above, copper, iodine, and zinc exist in it in small quantities. Several kinds of hormones are also present in it.
As Allah says in the Qur'an, honey is a "healing for men" . This scientific fact was confirmed by scientists who assembled during the World Apiculture Conference held in China . During the conference, treatments with honey derivatives were discussed. American scientists in particular said that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis (bee resin) cure many diseases.

A Romanian doctor stated that he tried honey on cataract patients, and 2002 out of his 2094 patients recovered completely. Polish doctors also informed the conference that bee resin helps to cure many diseases such as haemorrhoids, skin problems, gynaecological diseases and many other disorders.

Nowadays, apiculture and bee products have opened a new branch for research in countries advanced in science. Other benefits of honey may be described as below:
Easily digested:
Because sugar molecules in honey can convert into other sugars (e.g. fructose to glucose), honey is easily digested by the most sensitive stomachs, despite its high acid content. It helps kidneys and intestines to function better.

Has a low calorie level:
Another quality of honey is that, when it is compared with the same amount of sugar, it gives 40% less calories to the body. Although it gives great energy to the body, it does not add weight.

Rapidly diffuses through the blood:
When accompanied by mild water, honey diffuses into the bloodstream in 7 minutes. Its free sugar molecules make the brain function better since the brain is the largest consumer of sugar.

Supports blood formation:
Honey provides an important part of the energy needed by the body for blood formation. In addition, it helps in cleansing the blood. It has some positive effects in regulating and facilitating blood circulation. It also functions as a protection against capillary problems and arteriosclerosis.

Does not accommodate bacteria:
This bactericide (bacteria-killing) property of honey is named "the inhibition effect". Experiments conducted on honey show that its bactericide properties increase twofold when diluted with water. It is very interesting to note that newly born bees in the colony are nourished with diluted honey by the bees responsible for their supervision - as if they know this feature of the honey.

Royal Jelly:
Royal jelly is a substance produced by worker bees inside the beehive. Inside this nutritious substance are sugar, proteins, fats and many vitamins. It is used in problems caused by tissue deficiency or body frailty.

Weight loss tips

Weight loss tips

1 - Drink water when you feel hungry. It makes you not to eat a lot of unwanted calories.

2 - breakfast is very important because it makes a person not to eat lot of food in the lunch and supper.

3 - Be sure to eat owes - lunch or dinner.

4 - Try to reduce drinking whole milk and try to replace it with milk - free from fat.

5 - when you feel full stop eating more food.

6 - Try replacing sugar by any other means of desalination in tea and coffee or any other drinks.

7 - soda in which a very large amount of calories, one package of soda no more than 10 teaspoons of sugar.

8 - Try to reduce fried foods and went to the boiled or grilled foods.

9 - Stay away from ketchup or mayonnaise and headed to the spices and put it into the food.

10 - Avoid canned foods or prepared foods.

11 - Do not eat the food in front of the TV, because that leads to eating a lot of food.

12 - chew your food well before swallowing so do not eat a lot of food.

13 - avoid food containing fatty substances.

14 - When eating chicken remove the skin from it because the skin contains a lot of fatty substances.

15 - Green tea helps to burn calories, you can drink between meals.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Harmful Health Effects of Smoking

Harmful Health Effects of Smoking

1) Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes - Smoking KILLS.

2) One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age.

3) Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers.

4) The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels.

5) This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated.

6) Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.

7) Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs.


Home remedies to ease the common cold

Here are some simple home remedies that’ll help ease the symptoms of the common cold:

Lemon and honey - Lemon in warm water with one teaspoon of honey can be taken three times daily. Lemon increases the body’s resistance against the cold and its vitamin C content can be useful in washing out toxic components from the body and decreasing the duration of the disease.

Go for garlic - Garlic has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Boil 4 to 5 cloves of garlic in water and ingest the mixture three to four times daily. Garlic oil also helps in opening the respiratory passage. 3 to 4 drops of garlic oil mixed with 4 to 5 drops of onion can be very helpful in flushing all the toxic materials from the body, hence lowering the fever.

Ginger to the rescue - Ginger is an excellent remedy for the common cold. Boil it with water to make a decoction, which can be taken thrice daily, along with half a teaspoon of sugar. Add ginger to your tea for a soothing a delicious beverage.

Other tips to get over your cold

  • The best precaution you can take to avoid getting a cold is to eat a nutritious and healthy meal that enhances your immunity. It is better to avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Use a towel or handkerchief while sneezing or coughing to check the spread of infection to others.
  • Avoid taking antibiotics, as they have no role in the treatment of these viral infections. They may weaken the body’s natural immunity and kill the healthy bacteria of the body, which will create a further favorable ground for the virus to multiply, with more virulence making the condition worse.
  • Drink lots of water and try to rest as much as possible. It is advised that when the acute symptoms of the disease are present, like soreness of throat, running nose, fever, chills, congestion of nasal passage etc., the food eaten should be light and diluted. After the acute symptoms are gone, go back to your normal well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, cereals, grains vegetables and fruits. Avoid fish meat, cheese, and starchy foods.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Top 7 myths about drinking water - busted!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

7 health benefits of Carrots

7 health benefits of Carrots
Carrots are a favorite vegetable in cultures all over the world. They're great as a healthy raw snack, juiced, or cooked with other vegetables in soups and stir fries, but the best thing about carrots is how good they are for us.

Here are 7 health benefits of carrots:

Cancer Prevention
The high levels of antioxidants in carrots help to lower the risk of cancer. Studies have found that carrots may help to prevent three of the most common types of cancer: breast, lung, and colon
cancer. They are one of the only food sources of falcarinol, a natural pesticide and fatty alcohol
that research has found may prevent cancer.

Better Digestion
Carrots are a great source of fiber, which is important for keeping the digestive system running
properly. It also helps to keep you feeling full so you end up eating less.

Healthy Eyes
Carrots are a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and is essential for eye health. It improves night vision and prevents age-related eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.

The vitamin A in carrots helps the skin by helping to get rid of damaged cells and regenerating new
ones. Vitamin A also keeps the skin protected from harmful UV rays, retards aging, prevents acne, helps dry skin, and improves the complexion.

Heart Health
One study found that heart disease risk was lowered by 32% in people who ate just .88 ounces of
carrots per day. Another study that tracked seniors found that those who ate a cup of carrots or squash
each day lowered their heart disease risk by a whopping 60 percent.Some studies also show a link between beta-carotene consumption and reduced risk of heart problems.

Cholesterol Levels
The fiber in carrots helps to lower cholesterol levels. The magnesium in carrots also helps to regulate

Weight Loss
Carrots are high in nutrition and low in calories, which means that you can fill your stomach without eating too many calories. Additionally, carrots help improve the function of the metabolism because they contains nicotine acid to break down the lipids and fats that are present within the body.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

10 ways to slim without the gym

Don’t cut the dairy

Although the high levels of fat in dairy products make those who want to get slim without hitting the gym wary, it turns out that eating cheese, milk and other dairy products actually promotes weight loss. The study was conducted in Australia and the researchers suggest that the protein levels in dairy products may help people feel fuller for longer and therefore make them less likely to snack on calorific foods.


If you find yourself regularly going on health kicks only to find that in a few weeks or months time you’ve gone back to your old, unhealthy ways the likelihood is you’ve become bored. Doing the same exercise and eating the same foods is dull and even the most disciplined of people would struggle to maintain their new regime. Instead, try to eat new, healthy foods on a weekly basis and mix up what you eat. You should also do a variety of exercise, like running, dancing, Pilates and skipping. 

Join a club

If you want to slim without the gym then you might benefit from joining a club. Clubs are great because they’re social, they typically have equipment to lend to you and they are great for boosting people’s motivation. Before joining a club you need to first work out what sport suits you. If you like being in a team you could join a hockey club or a netball club. If you like working solo then a running, canoe or climbing club might be more suited to you. Remember, clubs typically offer beginners taster sessions and these will typically be free of charge, so always test out the club before you pay for membership. 

Have a treat in the week

When you’re super strict with yourself during the week it can be easy to let the rules from the week slip when the weekend arrives. Studies have found that this is true and that people who follow extremely healthy diets during the week actually lose weight more slowly compared to those who eat reasonably healthily all week. Therefore if you want to slim without the gym, have a treat now and then.

Fun equipment

Spending hours of your week silently running on a treadmill isn’t much fun, but exercise doesn’t have to be like that. There are loads of fun ways to work out. You could buy some gymnastics rings to work on your upper body and your core. Or if the rings aren’t for you buy a hula hoop to tone your waist area. If you get creative and have fun with your exercise you’ll find that you will be more motivated to stick at it and do more, which in turn will help you get slim and ditch the gym. 


It is thought that the average woman burns 48,000 calories a year from shopping alone; that works out at around 385 calories per week. If you get that shopping-guilt almost all women feel when they wander into a store then don’t panic. Just think the money you saved from the gym can go towards this new dress or new pair of boots.

Stock up on the liquids

What do you do before a meal? Wash your hands and scout out a good TV show to watch during your meal? Well, although we think you should definitely still wash your hands before you eat, if you want to slim without the gym you should also try having a light soup before eating. This light course will help fill you up, yet is relatively low in calories. Having soup before your main course will also help you to stop yourself from overeating. 

Eat before you train

When you have a gym membership you will often find yourself rushing to the gym before or after work. You race there, have a workout and then grab a quick shower before shooting off. What you probably won’t do though is make enough time to eat before you go. This is important if you want to slim down because eating an hour before exercise ensures that you perform to full capacity during your training session and therefore you will burn a greater amount of fat. 


Grab your yoga mat and do some yoga poses three or four times a week. Although it doesn’t feel very strenuous yoga helps to sculpt your body and helps you get slim without the gym. Some great moves that help to tone include the Downward Dog Split and the Temple Pose. It may be best to go to a yoga class or get a yoga DVD if you’re not sure what you are doing, but remember the perfect pose we may see others doing might be a long way from what our own body can currently achieve.


Thought your skipping days were over? Think again. Skipping isn’t just for eight year old girls. It's no coincidence that boxers, who are arguably some of the fittest athletes around, regularly perform skipping drills. Skipping is in fact a great exercise and there are lots of benefits. To make sure that your rope is the correct length for your height, stand on the middle of the rope and pull the handles upwards until the rope is taut. The handles should line up with the middle of your chest.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath is a major turn off and can also be one of the biggest dreads for some people. This embarrassing problem is caused by bacteria which dwell on your tongue and in other parts of your mouth. Read on to find more about some natural ways which can help you keep your breath fresh at all times.

1. Chew Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are one of the best natural remedies to combat bad breath. Mint refreshes your mouth and gives off a pleasing smell. Chlorophyll present in leaves also absorbs odours and leaves you with a refreshing breath.

2. Gargle with Salt Water

Rinsing and gargling with salt water can clear bacteria as well as food particles and debris on which the bacteria feed on. Put one teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water and swirl the mixture until the salt dissolves completely. Gargling with this mixture will also help you keep a healthy mouth.

3. Brush with Baking Soda

Baking soda contains hydrogen peroxide which neutralized the acid present in your mouth. Acids make for a favourable environment for bacteria growth in your mouth. Simply wet you toothbrush and sprinkle some baking soda over it to brush your teeth.

4. Eat Apples

Apples are often called as nature’s toothbrush as they are known to eliminate many kinds of bacteria in your mouth that can cause bad breath. Be sure to chew well on your apples while eating them.

5. Binge on Yogurt

Yogurt can help you to get rid of bread breath permanently. Consume yogurt regularly up to a period of six weeks to effectively combat bad breath.

6. Go Vitamin-C

Vitamin-C rich foods can help you to combat bacteria build up in your mouth as well as other diseases like gingivitis. Lemons, oranges and carrots are some of the foods that are high in Vitamin C.

7. Drink More Water

Bacteria thrive better if your mouth is dry. Staying hydrated will help your body to regulate all biochemical process and get rid of waste and other toxins. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to get rid of bad breath.

8. Chew on Neem

Neem has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. If you can endure its bad taste, you can permanently eliminate all signs of bad breath by chewing on neem leaves.

9. Chew on Cardamom

If neem leaves are too bitter for you, then you can also chew on cardamom which is quite pleasing to chew. Cardamom also helps in eliminating bad breath from your mouth.

6 Hidden Facts Why You Are Gaining Weight

Are you doing everything to lose your weight and still gaining weight? Are you strictly eating everything that says ‘low fat’, or have a diet of two tomatoes and 1 boiled potato per day? I guess you have answered your concern.
People have always associated fitness with fat loss or weight loss. In the struggle to achieve success overnight, they tend to subject their bodies to several kinds of abuses including rigid crash diets and ‘low fat’ bingeing. However, they don’t realise that bad eating, wrong diets and above all several other factors, non-related to food could be the potential reasons for your weight gain.
Let’s elaborate top six of them.
What happens when you diet
If you think that by eating sparingly for fifteen days, you will get back in shape, then its utter rubbish! Bodies that go into sudden starvation mode tend to save more calories than burn it. The body is like a system, which needs fuel to conduct basic metabolic activities, including burning of fat. Hence, when there’s no food or fuel, as the body saves the existing energy instead of utilizing it.
Watch what you eat!
Similarly, bingeing on ‘low fats’ labelled food, is bound to make one gain weight. Most of such food products have high levels of sugar, which add to the calorie count and therefore, explain the weight gain. Hence, instead of going for such foods, resort to fresh home cooked foods for weight loss. Don’t forget to avoid the junk food at all cost!
Sedentary lifestyle
Maybe you are eating right, but are simply failing to shed those kilos. It’s time to pay attention to your activity levels. Having a sedentary, lazy life or being a couch potato can be one of the reasons behind those excess tiers around your tummy.
Switch to an exercise regimen that is well suited for your body. If you are not an exercise person, then cultivating a few sport activities may be helpful. Try yoga, swimming or jogging or dancing to lose weight. A simple brisk walk of 45 minutes a day can help you as well.
Check your medicines
Some medicines have side effects of weight gain. You need to check with your GP, to confirm your fears. If possible, get him to prescribe other medicinal substitutes that do not have such side effects.
Sleeping patterns
Are you becoming an owl lately? Maybe it’s the reason behind your saddle bags! Switch to normal sleeping routine. Irregular sleeping patterns disturb body metabolism and result in weight gain.
Quit drinking
Excess drinking spoils and fattens the liver, making it sluggish in process. Being the chief blood detoxifier and fat metaboliser, it is unable to perform both the functions. This results in gaining weight and skyrocketing new heights of obesity.
Next time, when you feel you are fat, just try and throw some light on the above mentioned factors. If everything is fine, then maybe it’s time to get yourself medically checked for a better understanding of your body’s metabolic health.

7 ways to sleep better tonight

If you’re struggling to sleep well at night, follow these top tips to help you put down that glass of warm milk and ditch the sheep counting. 
1. Set a regular bedtime
Go to bed at the same time every day. Simple. Like children, we need routines to tell our bodies when it’s time to shut down.
Choose a time when you normally feel tired so you don’t toss and turn.
If you need to change the time, do it slowly over a few nights with 15 minute increments.
2. Wake up at the same time
Likewise with bedtime, you need a regular time to get out of bed sleepyhead. Try and maintain this even at weekends.
If you are getting enough sleep, you should wake naturally without the help of an alarm clock. Adjust your bedtime accordingly.
3. No shame in a nap
If you have a late night, top up your sleep bank by squeezing in a power nap in the day as opposed to having a lie in.
The ideal time to nap is early afternoon and for no more than 30 minutes.
4. Don’t fall asleep on the couch
A decision to nap is different to just dozing all the time.
If you find yourself falling asleep in front of the telly, or worse, at your desk - get up and do something else to wake yourself up. Make a phone call, go for a walk, do that pile of washing – whatever it is, try to stick to your sleep timetable.
5. Expose yourself to more light during the day
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone to help you regulate your sleep pattern. It is controlled by light exposure and your brain should secrete more during the evening to help you nod off.
Help your brain out by getting outside, without sunglasses, in your lunch break or walk into work in the morning.
At night, keep it dark by turning off your TV or computer while you try and go to sleep.
6. Make your bedroom a sanctuary
A comfortable bedroom means a cosy night’s sleep. Keep the rool cool, make sure your bed is roomy with nice clean sheets and keep the noise to a minimum.
Your bed should be for sleep and sex only. If you associate it with anything else like working, your body will not get the message that it’s time to switch off.
7. Adjust your evening meal
Stay away from big meals in the evening. Don’t eat heavy, rich food 2 hours before bed and fatty foods take a lot of work for your stomach to digest, which will keep you up.
Alcohol in the evening will reduce your sleep quality and whilst you might think it will help you to fall asleep, it wil probably wake you up in the middle of the night.
All this talk is making us sleepy...zzzzzZZZZZZZ

Friday, 23 November 2012

Top tips to beat acidity

Are your eating habits irregular? Do you eat out a lot? Do you love spicy food? And have you been experiencing burning sensations in the throat, gas formation, sour taste in your mouth and fatigue? Chances are that you are suffering from acidity.

What causes acidity?

Acidity is caused when the digestive juices produced in our stomach are not utilised completely. In fact the acid helps digest food we eat. However, when there isn’t enough food for digestion or if there is an over production of this acid, you will experience acidity pangs.
In addition, acidity may also be due to eating a meal filled with either sugar or spices, stress, lack of exercise or long gaps between two meals. In most cases, the main trigger for acidity is the food we eat and our eating habits.
Though acidity is one of the most common problems faced by most of us, preventing acidity from occurring is very simple. Here are a few tricks which will help you beat acidity!

Eat at regular intervals

Always eat in small portions. Instead of one heavy breakfast, break it down into two portions and eat it at two-hour intervals. This way, your stomach is neither too full nor completely empty.

Fruits and veggies

Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole wheat grains as this will increase the amount of fibre you consume. The fibre in your food will absorb the extra acid produced in your stomach and also discard it out of your body. Fruits such as bananas, papayas, cucumbers and watermelons go a long way in relieving acidity. Also, dry fruits like raisins, dried figs and almonds help in easing heartburns and the burning sensation in your stomach. Eat more vegetables like drumsticks, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, carrot and spring onions.

Drink water

Drink warm water first thing in the morning. This is said to flush out the excess acid which gets accumulated in your stomach through the night. In addition, drinking tender coconut water three times a day will also help you fight acidity.

Sip milk

If you are suffering from acidity, sip cold milk frequently as milk is an acidity buster and it helps in stabilizing the gastric acids. But, do not think eating ice cream is as same as drinking cold milk. Actually the cream and sugar in the ice cream will just aggravate the acidity.

Chew on tulsi

When you are suffering from heartburns, pop in a few tulsi leaves and chew on them for a while. This can give you instant relief. Also, mint leaves are said to be equally effective. Boil mint leaves in a bowl of water and sip it frequently. This too helps relieve you from acidity.


Now you know the reason behind the sauf served in restaurants. It not just helps in digestion but is also great for those suffering from acidity. For best results, soak one teaspoon of sauf in one cup of boiled water overnight. Strain this water, add a teaspoon of honey to it and sip on it through the day.

Chew gum

Chewing sugarless gum is said to help in reducing heartburn. Chewing gum produces more saliva, and the alkaline properties in the saliva neutralise the acid.
In addition to above tips:
  • Try and avoid eating out often, eating fatty, oily food and too many chocolates.
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Say a big ‘NO’ to cigarettes!
  • Use an extra pillow while lying down, so that your head is slightly elevated. The elevated position helps the acid to remain inside the stomach, instead of moving into the esophagus.
  • Make sure that you have dinner at least two hours before your bedtime as this helps keep acidity at bay.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Health Benefits of Banana

Bananas are one of the most famous common fruits amongst people of every age. Enjoyed in its various forms, bananas are eaten raw, accompanied with desserts, added in smoothies and consumed in many more ways too. Let us look at the benefits of eating this fruit.

1. Blood Pressure Regulation

Banana is a fruit that contains high amount of potassium and low levels of salt. This combination helps to regulate the blood pressure. It reduces the risk of heart related diseases.

2. Bone Strength

The potassium content in bananas is good for the health of your bones. Eating bananas on a regular basis can prevent your bones from deteriorating. Consuming bananas can also neutralize the amount of sodium in your body, which ultimately saves calcium to get washed out from your body.

3. Source of energy

Bananas are loaded with a lot of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. Considering this fact, it is evident that eating the fruit can provide you with great energy. Pack yourself a couple of bananas to eat in the afternoon after your lunch has been digested and your stomach asks for some food.

4. Bowel Health

If you are suffering from constipation, banana is the fruit you need to pick. The fruit contains dietary fiber that aids the maintenance of the bowel system of your body.

5. Stress Reduction

When you are in stress, the metabolic rate of your body shoots up and potassium levels consequently decrease. Eating a banana can thereby flush your body with potassium, which will automatically ease you and regularize your heartbeat.

Health Benefits Of Honey

Honey is considered to be an elixir of life. This lustrous brown liquid works wonders for your health in more than one ways.

1. Immunity booster

The antioxidants and anti bacterial properties that honey contains, aids the improvement of the digestive system. Consuming this liquid can help boost your immune system and keep you healthy and fit in life.

2. Skin Care

Variety of beauty products available in the market contains honey as their prime ingredient. Honey not only helps to smoothen your skin but also keeps acne at bay. The anti-bacterial properties of this liquid can give your skin a nourishing look and feel.

3. Aids Weight Loss

Experts recommend eating honey mixed with warm water every morning. This unique combination helps you digest the fat in your body and aid the weight loss process.

4. Cancer preventive properties

Honey contains a number of antioxidants and flavanoids that help diminish the risk of a few types of cancer. These antioxidants kill the collagen in the body.

6 Reasons to Drink More Water

Scientifically speaking, water is the basis of life, but beyond being essential to your very existence, water serves all sorts of purposes that help you feel your absolute best. No, it can't cure cancer (though it may help prevent it), pay your rent (though it does save you money), or take out the trash, here are six reasons H2O can help solve many annoying day-to-day health issues-and possibly prevent a few big ones-from headaches to those last few pounds.

1. Water boosts metabolism:
Trying to lose weight? Drinking water can boost your body's ability to burn fat. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking water (about 17oz) increases metabolic rate by 30 percent in healthy men and women. The boost occurred within 10 minutes but reached a maximum 30-40 minutes after drinking.

2.Studies also suggest that drinking one or two glasses of water before a meal can fill you up so you naturally eat less, says Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD spokesperson for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Plus, even mild dehydration will slow down metabolism by as much as 3 percent. 2. It safeguards your heart: Speaking of essential for life…drinking a good amount of water could lower your risk of a heart attack. A six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41 percent less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses. Bonus: Drinking all that water may reduce cancer risk as well. Research shows that staying hydrated can reduce risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, bladder cancer by 50 percent, and possibly reduce breast cancer risk too.

3. Water prevents headaches: The most debilitating kind as well: Migraines. In one study published in the journal Neurology, scientists recruited migraine sufferers and divided them into two groups: one took a placebo, the others were told to drink 1.5 liters of water (about six cups) in addition to their usual daily intake. At the end of two weeks, the water group had experienced 21 fewer hours of pain than those in the placebo group, as well as a decrease in pain intensity.

4. Water boosts your brainpower: Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to function at optimum levels, so drinking plenty of water ensures that it's getting all it needs. In fact, drinking eight to 10 cups of water per day can improve your levels of cognitive performance by as much as 30 percent.
The door swings both ways: Research shows that a dehydration level of just 1 percent of your body weight reduces thinking functions, so staying well-hydrated is super important for your mental performance .

5. It makes you rich: Making water your go-to drink saves a lot of money in the long run. Even though 60 percent of the U.S. population buys bottled water , it's still cheaper, on average, than juices, sodas, and Starbucks- especially when you buy it by the case. What's even cheaper: buying a filter and drinking water out of the tap. To put it in perspective, replacing your daily can of soda at lunch with a free-from-the-tap glass of water (or water cooler if you have access to one) can save you about $180 a year.

6. It keeps you alert: Dehydration is the single most common cause of daytime fatigue , so if your afternoon slump is more like a desperate need for an afternoon nap, guzzle a glass of water. It can also make you better at your job, or at least prevent you from being bad at a it-just a two percent dehydration level can trigger short-term memory problems and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page.

8 Wonder Foods to Take Care of Your Eyes

When we talk about staying healthy, we mostly focus on heart, bones, and brain. But for healthy aging, we also require our eyes to be fit and healthy. With aging, different problems ail our eyes such as loss of vision, cataract, muscular degeneration and night vision problems. There are several nutrients which help to protect our eyes such as Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, plus Zinc, Omega 3 Fats and Vitamin E. Here is a look at some foods that keep our eyes fit.  

Carrots hold Beta Carotene as its major ingredient. It helps to diminish the chances of muscular degeneration and cataract. Carrots can easily be used in salads, soups and side veggie for dinner or lunch. 
Leafy Vegetables

Dark Green Veggies such as lettuce, spinach or collard green contain lutein which prevents cell damage. Lutein is present in the back part of our eyes. Keeping leafy vegetables as a part of your diet would protect retina from being destroyed as it functions like sunglasses. They are a great base for all sorts of Salad. 
Yam and Sweet Potatoes
Orange colour fruits and veggies get the color from beta carotene which helps in healthy eye sight. Nourishment of squash, apricots and pumpkin helps a lot in brightening of eyes.  

Sardines, Tuna, Mackerel and Salmon
All these fishes are very rich in Omega 3 fats which help in protecting tiny blood vessels present in the eyes. These are the best sources for Omega 3 fats. They prevent inflammation of the eyes which leads to dry eyes.


Eggs are an important source of zinc, lutein, B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and cysteine which helps in protecting your eyes from various diseases.


Broccoli is important in keeping heart and cancer disease away from you but it is equally important for eyes. It has nutrients which reduce the problems related to muscular degeneration and loss of vision.

Wheat Germ

Being a big source of Vitamin E, Wheat Germ decreases the development of cataract and muscular degeneration. Almonds, hazelnut and sunflower seeds are also a great source of Vitamin E which helps in keeping your eyes healthy.


Beans ranging from kidney beans to chick peas and lentils are a great source of zinc. Zinc releases Vitamin A to your diet. Deficiency in Zinc leads deterioration of macula, in retina. Zinc is also present in beef and poultry.
When it comes to the health of our eyes avoid tans fat food and eat healthier, it will benefit your eyes in every way. At the end of the day, a complete food which is rich in veggies, fruits, meat and fish and whole grains benefits your body in every way. Eating fresh and healthy food helps in gaining healthy eyes with good and long lasting vision.   



Top 10 beauty foods

1. Wild salmon: A primo source for omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce skin inflammation, preventing redness, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. It's also potent in antioxidants and vitamins B and D.

2. Low-fat yogurt: in one word, calcium. Good for strong bones, nails, and teeth. One cup of plain, low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a glass of skim milk.

3. Oysters. The best source of zinc, period. Zinc helps build collagen, which support the structure of skin and speeds up repair and renewal.

4. Blueberries: Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that prevent long-term cell damage.

5. Kiwifruit: Another good source of antioxidants, kiwis are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium, all which help prevent wrinkles.

6. Sweet potatoes: Chock full of beta-carotene, something the body converts to vitamin A, which keeps skin smooth and is thought to prevent against sun damage.
7. Spinach: This nutrient-dense leafy green is a great source of beta-carotene and lutein, which protects the eyes.

8. Tomatoes: Perhaps the only vegetable best eaten processed. Tomatoes are a major source of lycopene, a potent antioxidant also thought to protect against sunburn.

9. Walnuts: A key source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. The omega-3s found in walnuts also hep fight against skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema.

10. Dark chocolate: Full of antioxidants and nutrients, cocoa (choose chocolate with at least 60 percent cocoa) increases blood flow to the skin, which in turn boosts hydration, smoothness, and protection against sun exposure.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

10 healthy power foods for men

Whole grains: Whole grains pack in a host of vitamins, minerals and fibre – good for both men and women. However, it’s the B vitamins that particularly benefit men. Vitamin B9 (folate) helps keep sperm healthy, vitamin B7 (biotin) helps reduce hair loss. Silica, also found in whole grains aids healthy hair growth.  

Salmon: Salmon, a sea fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help treat the cause of many common health ailments in men. It not only helps reduce LDL or bad cholesterol, it also helps alleviate depression and cuts risk of prostate and colorectal cancer. 

Garlic: Garlic’s heart health boosting properties are well known, it helps lower cholesterol, reducing chances of blockage. Further, research findings published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute suggests that regularly eating garlic and onions cuts risk of prostate cancer. So include them in your diet today.

Pomegranate: Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and studies show that eating pomegranate regularly can help lower cholesterol, a problem common to many men. Many studies also suggest that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily ca slow down the progress of prostate cancer.
Blueberries: Blueberries have been linked to reduced risk of prostate cancer, owing to high levels of proanthocyanidins (a subtype of flavonoids). The benefits of blueberries does not end there, research also suggests that this fruit can reduce risk of heart disease, age-related memory loss and type-2 diabetes — all of which – typically effect more men than women.
Eggs: If you’re prone to hair loss, then look no further. Eggs, an excellent source of protein and biotin (vitamin B7) boosts hair growth. Additionally, egg yolks are a good source of iron, which research suggests helps alleviate hair loss caused by anaemia.
Cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout are some important veggies that every man must include in his diet. These veggies are known to contain cancer-fighting chemicals, which are known to cut risk of prostate and colorectal in men. So add them in plenty in your daily diet.

Brazil Nut: Snacking on nutsin general is good for the heart and skin. Brazil nuts, however, are particularly good for men as they have a high selenium content, which is known to enhance sperm health and motility. Selenium also helps reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and acts as mood enhancer.  

Tomatoes: This popular fruit has many benefits for men. Lycopene (a phytochemical) is known to lower cholesterol, cut risk of colorectal cancer and heart disease. Studies show that men who regularly eat food rich in lycopene have lesser chances of developing prostate cancer.









Monday, 19 November 2012

Your Nails Say a Lot about Your Health

 It's just not your skin or eyes that reveal much about your health. Take a generous look at your nails because a twinge of white, discolouration, scales and bumps might be a warning sign about many health conditions. Here are a few to tips on how to identify the health problems your nails might be indicating about.

White Nails

What it means: Contrary to what most people believe, white nails do not indicate calcium or zinc deficiency. It is rather a minor nail trauma usually harmless caused to the nail plate when it grows.

What to Do: If all the nails are white in entirety, your will have to undergo liver and kidney function tests. White nails are often indicative of diabetes, cirrhosis or even heart problems.

Yellow Nails

What it means: Yellow nails indicate fungal infection, but if the infection worsens it is a sure sign of respiratory diseases, and in some cases even thyroid disease, psoriasis or diabetes. Sometimes your nails turn yellow because of wearing nail polish for a longer period of time. So, there’s no need to panic unless your nails are perennially yellow.

What to Do: Give your nails a polish-free week. If you are a smoker, you can soak your nails in lime juice for 5 to 10 minutes and see the bleaching magic. If your nails are yellow because of a fungal infection, see a doctor and get oral anti-fungal medication.

Blue Nails

What it means: Nails with blue tinge hint upon improper circulation of oxygen in the RBCs, which might have happened because of cold weather conditions or constriction in the blood vessels. In some cases, it may also indicate the presence of an abnormal for of haemoglobin in the blood stream.

What to Do: If your nails turn blue in cold conditions, try to keep yourself warm. However, if they remain blue perpetually, you should see a doctor to identify an underlying medical condition, perhaps a heart disease.

Pale Nails

What it means: Pale nails may be a sign of conditions such as anemia, congestive heart failure, liver disease, and malnutrition and thyroid diseases.

What to Do: You must eat wholesome diet, restrict sugar intake, and eat yoghurt daily.

Spoon Nails

What it means: You have a condition called spoon nails when your nails begin to grow upwards taking a concave shape, spoon-like.

What to Do: Although it is harmless, it may be a way of informing you that there’s a serious underlying a liver disease or heart disease or even hyperthyroidism.  So, you must get the spoon nails investigated.

Cracked/Split Nails

What it means: Often brittle nails crack or split; the causes could either be prolonged contact in water or strong detergents. And, if your nails are white or yellow and have developed cracks beneath the nail plate it could signify a fungal infection. Other reasons include endocrine disorders, malnutrition, oral medications rich in vitamin A, psoriasis, or TB.

What to Do: Keep your nails moisturized by rubbing some moisturizer around your nails. Start wearing gloves if you use a lot of soaps and chemicals. Trim your nails regularly.

Make sure you take a good look at your nails and see if it needs immediate attention of a health care provider.

Food that boost your Brain and Memory

Almonds - increase blood flow to the brain

Blueberries - improve learning and motor skills

Walnuts - high in omega 3

Brussels sprouts - has tryptophan which converts to seroten in brain health

Broccoli - assists in brain functioning

Cauliflower - assists in cleansing white matter in brain

Ginger - anti inflammatory

Apples - power food for mind, body & emotions

Watermelon - targets brain function

Cabbage - help in lowering risk of brain, lung & prostate cancer

Lettuce - helps increase blood flow to the brain

Rockmelon - supports the brain

Pine Nuts - stimulate brain activity

Sunday, 18 November 2012


1. If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the egg, let it sit for awhile, then use
dustpan, the egg will  come right up, without all that mess.
2. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
3. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.
4. Soak fish in salt water before descaling; the scales will come off easier.
5. Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier pouring.
6. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.
7. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs sink;bad ones float.
8. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.
9. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.
10. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk them up.
11. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won't stick.
12. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you first use them; they will last longer.
13. Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.
14. Mix salt with turpentine to whiten you bathtub and toilet bowl.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


During a recent visit to an optician, one of my friend was told of an exercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor that he termed as 20-20-20. It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks
, looking at the computer screen.

I Thought I'd share it with you.


Step I :-

After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.

Step II :-

Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III :-

Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.

Circulate among all if you care. They say that your eyes are mirrors of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Health benifits of Vitamin C(ALL IN ONE)

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient that is vital to all creatures. Foods that are especially rich in vitamin C are parsley, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens and Brussels sprouts. Here are seven health benefits of  vitamin C.

Not only is vitamin C a  well-known component of your immune system, it is also necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in connective tissue. A healthy dose of vitamin C will protect your body from infection and maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as quicken the body's ability to repair wounds.

Common Cold
Along with its immune  functions that fight against bacteria, viruses, and infection, vitamin C also serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, stuffy nose and aches.

Vitamin C is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our bodies from free radicals that cause oxidative stress.  Excessive oxidative stress, or "cellular rust," can lead to a host of severe medical conditions, such as atherosclerosis that can cause both heart disease and stroke, and is associated with many
different types of cancer, including lung, mouth, throat, colon, stomach and esophagus. Vitamin C also
helps to regenerate your supplies of vitamin E (another usefulantioxidant).

Vitamin C has been shown to lower blood pressure, and therefore lessen the probability of hypertension, as well as the serious health problems that follow, such as cardiovascular disease. Blood Vessels Along with lowering your blood pressure, vitamin C ensures proper dilation of blood vessels, which can prevents such diseases as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure, and angina pectoris (a inadequate
supply of blood to the heart that causes severe chest pains).

Lead Toxicity
Vitamin C dramatically lowers your blood lead level. This is especially important for children living in urban areas, as  studies have shown that lead toxicity can lead to behavioral and developmental problems, such as learning disabilities and lowered IQ. Adults, moreover, may suffer from kidney damage and high blood

The lens of the human eye  requires vitamin C to function properly, and a deficiency can lead to cataracts (a condition in which the lens becomes increasingly opaque, causing blurry vision). A higher intake of vitamin C
has been shown to fight cataracts by increasing the amount of blood flow to the eye.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

7 foods that burn stomach fat

7 foods that burn stomach fat

1.Oatmeal Eating oatmeal for 
breakfast will provide your body with high amounts of fiber, which reduces the chance of low blood sugar levels. Starting your day out with whole grain oatmeal will help you to avoid the mid-
morning snacking. You will also be getting protein and other vitamins and minerals that help with weight loss.

2.Vegetables Raw vegetables are a great source of fiber and antioxidants and eating vegetables will fill your
stomach without increasing your caloric intake. Eating a variety of vegetables (especially leafy greens) will provide
your body with essential nutrients including calcium, protein, magnesium, iron,
potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B -- just to name a few.

3.Lean Meat Lean protein is essential on any weight loss diet, and meat is a good source of protein. Avoid
processed meats, and focus on eating natural, organic white meat such as chicken and fish.

4.Whole Grains Replacing white flour foods with whole grain foods will increase the nutrients that you are
getting from your food.Whole grains provide your body with fiber, folic acid, vitamin E, and magnesium, all of which aid in the battle of the belly bulge.

5.Eggs Increasing your protein intake is an easy way to burn stomach fat, and eggs have a high amount of protein. Eggs also provide your body with other nutrients, such as vitamin B12 which helps to release fat cells.

6.Olive Oil Healthy fats are an essential part of burning stomach fat, and olive oil provides your body with the good kind of fat called "monounsaturate d fat." Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over your vegetables and salad and it will add a great flavor and burn fat at the same time.

7.Nuts are another source of good fats, although you need to be careful not to go overboard with your nut consumption because they are high in calories. Eating nuts will provide you with fat-burning protein as well as fiber, vitamins and minerals.