Saturday 29 December 2012



1.Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Ginger may be powerful weapon in the treatment of ovarian cancer. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.

2.Colon Cancer Prevention

A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

3.Morning Sickness

A review of several studies has concluded that ginger is just as effective as vitamin B6 in the treatment of morning sickness.

4.Motion Sickness Remedy

Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.

5.Reduces Pain and Inflammation

One study showed that ginger has anti-inflammato ry properties and is a powerful natural painkiller.

6.Heartburn Relief

Ginger has long been used as a natural heartburn remedy. It is most often taken in the form of tea for this purpose.

7.Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment Ginger has long been used as a naturaltreatmen t for colds and the flu. Many people also find ginger to be helpful in thecase of stomach flus or food poisoning, which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon the digestive tract.

8.Migraine Relief

Research has shown that ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

9.Menstrual Cramp Relief

In Chinese medicine, ginger tea with brown sugar is used in the treatment of menstrual cramps.

10.Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

A study done on diabetic rats found that those rats given ginger had a reduced incidence of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage).

Saturday 15 December 2012

Homemade Remedies to Make Hair Thick

Homemade Remedies to Make Hair Thick

Homemade hair-thickeningremedies work either by temporarily adding volume to each shaft of hair or by creating a healthy scalp environment where more hair can grow. In some cases, results are immediate
 ly visible, but they are generally short-lived. For the best results, use a homemade hair-thickeningremedy on a regular basis.

After shampooing, massage an egg into your hair and let it sit for about 5 minutes. The non-hydrolyzed protein in an egg mimics the hydrolyzed proteins in hair-thickeningshampoos, according to Dr. Harry Roth, a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California.

VinegarMassage a mixture of 1 Tbsp. white or apple cider vinegar and 1 pint of water into your hair. The solution temporarily changes the chemical balance of your hair and make it appear thicker and shinier.

Oil MassageScalp massages with olive oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil are thought to help rid the scalp of debris and excess sebum and dirt, resulting on cleaner, thicker hair and healthy follicles. Massaging the scalp also increases blood flow to the scalp, which may encourage healthier, thicker hair growth. Rub a few drops of oil into the scalp before bedtime and leave it on overnight. Wash with a mild shampoo in the morning and style as usual.

Aloe VeraUsing a tablespoon or so of fresh aloe vera gel squeezed directly from the leaves, either alone or with a mixture of brandy and raw egg, may make your hair appear thicker. Apply the gel or mixture once every two weeks and shampoo as usual.

Flax SeedA leave-on conditioner made from flaxseeds and water may temporarily thicken hair. Soak a handful of flax seeds in water for five days and apply the water directly to your scalp with a cotton ball before styling.

Friday 7 December 2012



1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE.
It is the ultimate antidepressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God's guidance for your purpose, today.

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything !

11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

12.You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

17. Help the needy,Be generous ! Be a 'Giver' not a 'Taker'

18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

19. Time heals everything.

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed ,Pray to God and Be thankful for what you'll accomplish, today !

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

25.Fwd this to everyone on your list to help them lead a happier life..

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Hair care tips for winter

Rough and dry hair is a very common problem in winter. Here are some ways to keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful, even as the mercury drops. Hair care tips for winter
Oil your hair: In winter, it is chilly outside and dry and warm inside the house; this changing temperature harms your hair.  Oil your hair regularly, use warm oil if you are comfortable. It will help to restore the moisture and give life to your lifeless tresses. It is not necessary to keep the oil on for long hours; one to two hours is enough to do the trick.  Do not over use shampoo while you are washing the oil off because it will nullify the conditioning effect.
Wash them right: Even though it is cold do not use very hot water to wash your hair. The heat will steal your moisture. Use lukewarm water. Do not over use the shampoo and use mild shampoo if you wash your hair very frequently.
Never miss conditioning: Rich conditioning can be your shield against the harsh cold. Condition your hair everytime you wash them, it strengthens them and increases the elasticity. If you are opting for readymade conditioner make sure it suits your hair and is right for your hair type. You can also use coconut milk or curd for conditioning your hair. If you have curly hair it is best to use leave-in conditioner in the end.
Let them dry naturally: It is advisable not to use heat to dry your hair in winter. With blow drying you can end up having flyways and static effect. Let them air dry. Your lovely tresses will thank you for letting them be.
Take care if you cover: If you wear woollen cap or scarf to protect yourself against cold, you will experience hair breakage in certain areas on your head. This is because the caps and scarves rub against the delicate hair and pull them out. It is advisable to use satin scarves and to use caps which have cotton or satin lining.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Indian foods that help with weight loss

Cardamom: Cardamom aids the digestive process, helping the body break down and assimilate nutrients. It is also known to boost metabolism and burn body fat, aiding with weight-loss. Toss in a few cloves of cardamom into your evening chai for a steamy cup of good health.
Garlic: Garlic has long been used in cooking, for both its full-bodied flavor and its healthy properties. Garlic has strong anti-bacterial effects, helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and unhealthy fat levels in the body. Now there’s a good reason why the ubiquitous ginger-garlic paste is found in dishes across every region in India.
Buttermilk: Buttermilk is a drink full of good health, and easy to make at home. It provides the body with essential nutrients and is very low on fat and calorie content. Chop up from fresh coriander and green chillies to it, add a little salt and pepper, and you have a refreshing, healthy homemade drink.
Cabbage: Cabbage is a great antioxidant, and makes a great accompaniment to heavy meat dishes. It also slows down the conversion of carbs and sugar into fat, so makes for a great aid to your weight loss plan. Eat it raw or cooked, but make sure it’s a part of your meal.
Chillies: Chillies are another great ingredient to ramp up your metabolic rate and burn that excess fat. The component capsaicin generates heat and boosts metabolism, helping burn calories for upto 20 minutes after your meal. So slice ‘em up and toss ‘em in!
Cinnamon and cloves: Both these spices aid the production of insulin and help control blood sugar levels in the body. Highly beneficial to people with type 2 diabtetes, it is recommended to sprinkle cinnamon powder into your cup of tea of coffee, and include cloves when you make rice or dal.
Curry leaves: Curry leaves help reduce LDL levels in the body and are a great way to detox. They also help reduce fat deposits in the body, a great aid to any weight-loss program. So add a few curry leaves into your curry or dal for a dose of great flavor and good health.
Honey: A spoonful of honey with warm water is a great way to start your mornings. Honey helps burn fat and is a widely used home-remedy for obesity.
Moong dal: Moong dal brings you your required dose of vitamins and minerals. Rich in Vitamin A, B, C, and E, as well as calcium, iron and potassium, it is a great source of protein and fibre, with very low fat content. Moong dal helps lower cholesterol, and control blood sugar levels in the body. A cup of dal to accompany your rotis is a great way to plan dinner.
Mustard oil: Mustard oil is one of the healthiest oils to cook in, as it contains lower levels of saturated fat. It also provides antioxidants and essential vitamins to the body, lowering cholesterol levels and improving heart health. Switch to mustard oil today!
Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, a constituent that protects the heart. It helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), bring down high blood pressure, prevent clotting and reduce the risk of heart attacks. Include a sprinkle of turmeric in your meats and masalas; it will bring you a host of good health.



1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food
2. Breakfast is a very important meal
3. Eat lots of different foods every day, variety is the recipe for health 4. Which group would you tip for the top? Base your food on carbohydrates
5. Gimme five! Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal and as tasty snacks!
6. Fat facts. Too much saturated fat is not good for your health
7. Snack attack! Eat regularly and choose a variety of snacks
8. Quench your thirst. Drink plenty of liquids
9. Care for those teeth! Brush your teeth at least twice a day
10. Get moving! Be active every day

Do you remember when you learned to ride a bike? The most important part was getting the balance right. Once you could balance easily, the pedals could turn smoothly, to drive the wheels and get the bike moving.

The same thing is true when it comes to choosing our food. Once we have learned to carefully balance the amounts and types of foods eaten, all the organs in the body will function smoothly and the body will work efficiently.

Following these ten tips will help you stay fit and healthy. It’s as easy as riding a bike, once you’ve got the balance right!

1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food

Sharing a meal with family and friends at home or at school is a great way to enjoy food. It is fun to see other people’s choice of food -what sandwich fillings do others have? Have you tried having a different filling every day? Check out your lunch box or dinner plate. How many different kinds of fruit and vegetables can you spot?

2. Breakfast is a very important meal

Our bodies always need energy, and after a night’s sleep, energy levels are low. Cars, buses and trains cannot run without fuel. So, whether you are off to school, or out and about at the weekend, start the day with breakfast. Plenty of carbohydrates is just the ticket: try cereal with semi-skimmed milk, fruit or yoghurt, toast or bread, perhaps with lean meats.

3. Eat lots of different foods every day, variety is the recipe for health

You need over 40 different kinds of vitamins and minerals every day for good health. Since there is no single food that contains them all, it is important to balance your daily choices. In fact there are no good or bad foods, so you do not need to miss out on the foods you enjoy. The best way to make sure you get the right balance is to eat a wide variety of foods each day.

4. Which group would you tip for the top? Base your food on carbohydrates

Many people don’t eat enough carbohydrate foods, such as cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. At least half the calories in your diet should come from these foods, so it is a good idea to include at least one of these at every meal. Try whole-grain bread, pasta and other cereals to give you extra fibre. Have you tried baking your own bread? It’s good fun and smells wonderful!

5. Gimme five! Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal and as tasty snacks!

Fruits and vegetables are among the most important foods for giving us enough vitamins, minerals and fibre. We should all try to eat 5 servings a day. For example, a glass of fruit juice at breakfast, perhaps an apple and banana as snacks and two vegetables at meal times then you have already reached your total. How many different kinds can you spot in the supermarket? Why not try some new ones?

6. Fat facts. Too much saturated fat is not good for your health

Eating too many of those tasty, fatty foods (such as butter, spreads, fried meats and sausages, pies and pastries) might not always be so good for your body. So remember, a big helping of potatoes, but go easy on the butter. Although we need some fats to get all the nutrients we need, it is better for our health if we don’t eat too much of these foods and get knocked off balance. So, if you have a high-fat lunch, choose a low-fat dinner.

7. Snack attack! Eat regularly and choose a variety of snacks

Even if you eat regular meals during the day, there will still be times in between that you feel hungry, especially if you have been very physically active. Snacks can fill the gap, but should not be eaten in place of meals, only as an extra. There are lots of different snacks available. Your choice may be crisps, nuts and other packet snacks, chocolate bars, cakes and biscuits. On other occasions, you may prefer a sandwich, some fresh or dried fruits, or perhaps sticks of vegetables like carrots and celery. Whichever snack you enjoy, remember it is always good to include a variety of different types to keep things in balance.

8. Quench your thirst. Drink plenty of liquids

Did you know that more than half of your weight is just water? So as well as giving your body all the food it needs each day to keep healthy, you need at least 5 glasses of liquids a day. It is particularly important if the weather is very hot or if you have done lots of exercise, to have plenty to drink to prevent dehydration. Usually – but not always – your body will tell you this, by making you feel thirsty. Plain tap water is great of course, but bottled water, fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk and so on, can all be okay too.

9. Care for those teeth! Brush your teeth at least twice a day

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Eating foods high in sugar or starches too often during the day can play a part in tooth decay. So don’t nibble foods and sip drinks all day long! However, the best way to keep a nice smile is to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Also, after brushing your teeth at bedtime, don’t eat any food, or drink anything but water!

10. Get moving! Be active every day

Just like a bike may become rusty if it is not used for some time, our muscles and bones need to be kept moving too. Activity is needed to keep your heart healthy and your bones strong. It can also be good fun. Try to include some form of activity every day: it may be just walking to school and running up the stairs. However, games like skipping and football at break times are good for giving the body a workout. Swimming is a particularly good sport for keeping you healthy.