Wednesday, 31 October 2012

cure DENGU fever with papayya leaf juice

It could be a miracle cure for dengue. And the best part is you can make it at home.

The juice of the humble papaya leaf has been seen to arrest the destruction of platelets that has been the cause for so many deaths this dengue season. Ayurveda researchers have found that enzymes in the papaya leaf can fight a host of viral infections, not just dengue, and can help regenerate platelets and white
blood cells.

Scores of patients have benefited from the papaya leaf juice, say doctors.

Papaya has always been known to be good for the digestive system. Due to its rich vitamin and mineral content, it is a health freak's favourite. But its dengue -fighting properties have only recently been discovered.

Chymopapin and papin - enzymes in the papaya leaf - help revive platelet count, say experts.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Remedy for heavy weight,BP etc...

అధికబరువు, ఎసిడిటీ, బి.పి తగ్గించి వ్యాధి నిరోధకశక్తి పెంచే చిట్కాలు.
ఒక గ్లాసు గోరువెచ్చని నీళ్ళు తీసుకుని అందులో ఒక టీస్పూన్ తేనె, ఒక చెక్క నిమ్మరసం కలుపుకుని రోజు ఉదయాన్నే తాగుతుంటే అధిక బరువుని నివారించవచ్చు. ఇలా తాగడం వలన కడుపు నొప్పి నుండి కూడా ఉపశమనం పొందవచ్చు.

రోజూ ఉదయాన్నే పరగడుపున కొంచెం నీళ్ళల్లో తేనె కలుపుకుని తాగితే కిడ్నీలు బాగా పనిచేస్తాయి, వ్యాది నిరోధక శక్తి పెరుగుతుంది.

ఎసిడిటితో బాధపడుతుంటే క్యారెట్, దోస, ముల్లంగి, బీట్ రూట్ లలో ఏదైనా జ్యూస్ తీసుకుని అందులో చిటికెడు ఉప్పు, మిరియాల పొడి కలుపుకుని తాగితే ఫలితం ఉంటుంది. జీలకర్రతో షర్బత్ చేసుకుని తాగినా ఎసిడిటి నుంచి ఉపశమనం పొందవచ్చు.

అధిక రక్తపోటు ( హై బీపి ) తో బాధపడేవారు ఉసిరి రసం, తేనె సమపాళ్ళల్లో తీసుకుని కలిపి ప్రతిరోజూ ఉదయం ఒక టేబుల్ స్పూన్ తాగితే బీపి అదుపులో ఉంటుంది.

Remedy for DENGU fever

JAGGERY with RAW SMALL ONION should be eaten simultaneously, For curing Dengue Fever affected people. Blood platelets starts to decrease for those people and this medicine will helps in increasing the count of blood platelets and increases the immune power thereby it cures Dengue fever. Its an effective medicine for this kind of fever. Really its true. Please forward this message as much as possible and save lives. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

Take care;))


Japan refrigerator

Metro in Dubai ;)

Fight with stress!

During stressful times, increase your intake of omega 3 fatty acids which counteract the harmful effects of cortisol.

Follow during exam season....!

Tips to keep alert and fit when you appear for exams.

It is best to keep meals simple and light on the tummy.  Heavy meals result in disturbed sleep.  Smart snacking refreshes the body and keeps the students alert and awake.
What to eat?
·         Ensure that meals are small and simple.
·         Snack on crunchy salads such as lettuce, carrot, tomato and cucumber.
·         Juicy fruits help detoxify and de-stress.  Eat oranges, pears, apples and papaya.
·         Roasted grams such as groundnut and Bengal gram, are a good idea.
·         Snack on mixed dry fruits, but only around 10 pieces at a time.
Words of caution?
Children are stressed and, therefore, their immunity is low.  Eating out can result in stomach infection or viral attacks.  It’s best to eat home cooked food that’s clean and hygienically prepared.  High- calorie or high-fat foods can make children sleepy and prevent them from concentrating on their studies.
What to avoid?
·         Oil fried snacks.
·         Greasy,  high-calorie desserts.
·         Skip junk food.
·         Avoid eating out, especially in not-so-hygienic joints.
·         Do not drink juices sold at roadside eateries.
Some general advice
Mark the exam dates and subjects on the calendar and take a look at it every morning.  Keep track of the day and time so that one does not miss out on an exam.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

U know?????

1) Did u know that numbers from 0-999 dont have the letter "A"

2) After 100 years from now, Facebook will have 950 million + accounts ofDEAD people.

3) if u learn all d books in d world u'll oly use 3%of your brain :O

4) The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which means "the king is dead."

5) A neotropical Cockroach in the rainforest of Guyana

Health Benefits of Figs or Anjeer.

Health Benefits of Figs or Anjeer.
1.Prevent constipation
2.Weight loss.
3.Lower cholesterol.
4.Prevent coronary heart disease.
5.Prevent colon cancer.
6.Protection against post-menopausal breast cancer.
7.Good for diabetic patients.
8.Prevention of hypertension.
9.Sexual weakness.
10.Strengthens bones
11.Prevent macular degeneration
12.Relief for throat.
13.Relief for Earache.
Precaution: Taking too much fig can cause diarrhea. Dried figs are high in sugar and might cause tooth decay.

Donate blood.....

1. It gives you a free mini physical examination.
Before donating blood, your hemoglobin level will be tested. If it is low, then you will not be allowed to donate blood. Besides hemoglobin, your blood pressure
level and body weight will also be checked. In addition, your blood will also be examined for detecting the presence of five diseases, namely, hepatitis B, hepa

titis C, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. If you are not sufferingfrom these diseases, only then you will be allowed to donate yourblood.
2. Chances of heart disease and stokes are about 30% lesser in men who donate blood regularly.
3. Reduces blood pressure.
4. Iron overloading is also thought to increase the risk of heart diseases. Besides, iron oxidizes cholesterol, which is harmful for the arteries. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease characterized by excess accumulation of iron in the tissues due to improper metabolism. The disease can cause damage to many organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, etc. It may also cause diabetes, liver diseases and heart diseases. So, donating blood on a regular basis would help you to regulate the level of iron in your body. Studies have shown that donating blood regularly can be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, especially among young people.
5. Production of new red blood cells enhanced. Bone marrow is activated.
6. Burns calories: one unit of blood donation causes burning of about 650 calories.
7. Feeling of Euphoria - well being.
8. Reduces Risk of Cancer.
1. A unit of blood donated by you can benifit three persons. Blood can be seperated into RBC, PLASMA and PLATELETS. All of them are life saving.

Dont cross your legs....

Don’t cross your
legs ;crossing legs
cause back pain and
also lack of circulation
which can cause

varicose veins and
spider veins.

Now its easy to lose weight......!

~A To Z Weight Loss Tips~

Dietician Neesha Bukht brings you the ABCs of staying slim.


AVOID ALCOHOL: You booze, you lose! Alcohol increases your levels of the hormone leptin, which in turn makes you crave sweets.Dont
want to be branded a
teetotaller? Order a glass of Sauvignon Blanc  119 cals per 5 ounces.
BREAKFAST: A good breakfast with fibre and protein will keep you full till lunchtime and help you avoid bingeing. Opt for multi-grain cereal, lowfat curd or fruits to kick-start your metabolism.
CORTISOL: Prolonged stress leads to high levels of cortisol which makes you crave junk foods. Solution: deal with long-standing stressors. As for short-lived ones, treat yourself to an oil massage.
DENSITY: Go for grub with an energy density of two or less. To calculate this, simply divide the calories by the weight in grams (per serving). Stay at it and watch the pounds melt faster.
EAT AT REGULAR INTERVALS: Go no longer than five hours between meals. Several small meals through the day lead to a better metabolism and greater control over binges.
FRUCTOSE: Ditch the artificially sweetened juices and sodas and get your fructose from natural sources such as fruits. Because natural fructose is kinder to your waistline.
GUM: Chewing on gum helps cleanse the mouth of bacteria, satisfies a sweet-tooth and reduces your urge to eat. The next time you feel the urge to reach for a biscuit packet, try a piece of sugarless gum instead for a zero-calorie treat.
HEART-HEALTHY FOODS: Overweight people face a greater risk of heart disease. So, switch to olive and vegetable oils. Fill up on omega rich foods like walnuts and fatty fish. Choose non-fat dairy products and lean cuts of mutton and skinless poultry.
INSULIN: The amount of insulin you secrete may dictate your diet. High insulin secretors shed more weight on a low-carb diet and less on a lowfat/high carb diet. Got a jelly belly? You secrete excess insulin and could benefit from fewer carbs.
JOURNAL: Write down everything you eat and you could cut your intake by 1,000 calories a day. Food journaling may seem boring but goes a long way in making you aware of what you eat and thereby helps you shed pounds.
KETOSIS: Ketosis refers to the point where your body runs low on carbs and burns fat for fuel. Therefore, ketosis jump-starts a diet. Restrict carbs and lose more initially. Later, allow yourself wholegrain cereals and roti, in moderation.
LOW BLOOD SUGAR: This is often the reason for between-meal cravings especially for sweet. When it strikes, reach for naturally sweet foods such as fruits and accompany it with a little low-fat dahi for a healthy dose of protein.
MILK: Get better results from your workout by downing milk. Two cups of skim milk after intense weightlifting can build more muscle and burn twice as much fat as drinking fruit juice. But go with real cow's milk as it鈥檚 more beneficial than soya milk.
NUMBERS: Nobody enjoys weigh-ins, but people who hop on the scale once a day are more likely to lose and maintain their loss. Make a standing appointment for yourself. But try to strike a balance rather than obsess over the number you see.
OMLETTE: Eggs are an ideal protein source. Protein helps build muscle, which will fry more calories per pound than fat. Bonus: You burn about 25 per cent of the eggs' calories just by digesting them.
PEANUTS = PROTEIN: Take the edge off your appetite by snacking on a handful of peanuts everyday. Because, protein is the "secret" to weight control. Peanuts also boost your resting metabolic rate due to their fatty acid content.
Q 10
Coenzyme Q10 is one of the nutrients needed to produce energy. Most people an energy - mg a day. Other benefits include a stronger immune system. Besides, it's also a great antioxidant.
REPLACEMENTS: Replace any silly weight loss pills you have been advised to take, with a good low fat smoothie.You will lose just as much weight without the side-effects of a pill.
SLIP-UPS: Slip-ups are bound to happen.Anticipate them. Instead of letting them derail your efforts, learn from them and get right back on track by simplykeeping your eye on your target.
TEA: The fat-busting benefits of green tea boil down to disease-fighting compounds called catechins. Max your results by steeping your tea for longer. The darker the hue of your brew, the more catechin-rich the cup.Add some lime to tone down the bitterness.
USER-FRIENDLY: There are a million fad diets around; your friends are probably trying some too. But what helps you lose weight isn't the type of diet but compliance with it. Find a plan you can live with so you'll stick to it.
VINEGAR: Studies show that consuming 4 tbsp of a vinegar mixture with a high-carb diet drops your calorie intake by 275 per day. If you can't stomach vinegar, mix into a low-fat dressing to add zing to your salad.
WATER: It quenches thirst without the calories. Infact, water also ups your caloric burn rate. Sipping six extra 8-ounce glasses a day can burn 17,400 morecalories (about 5 pounds of fat) per year.
XYLITOL: Xylitol is a natural substance found in vegetables that tastes and looksjust like sugar. But while sugar harms, xylitol protects against disease and has anti-ageing benefits. In its crystalline form, it can replace sugar in cooking.
YOGA: Normal-weight women who practise yoga for four or more years will gain three pounds less over 10 years than those who don't. Grab your mat and get breathing!
When you skimp on sleep, your brain thinks you're low on fuel and sends a message to your stomach to start growling.Women who sleep for 5 hours or less are an average of 5 pounds heavier than women who snoozed for 7 hours.Want to stay slim? Hit the pillow.

Tie a Tie :))

Many of us,even me,dont know how to tie a tie......!

Win 5 lakhs by choosing a name......!

Sun TV Network (Sun TV), the new entrant of the Indian Premier League (IPL), today announced a contest, for selecting a name for the new Hyderabad IPL Franchise.

The winner will get Rs 5 lakh, said the company. On Sunday Sun TV put out an advertisement in its web site, stating “Win Rs 5 lakh by choosing the name for Sun Network's IPL Cricket team”. The name should include the Word Sun. The deadline to send the name through SMS is October 28, 2012, said in the advertisement


Intrested Members , Try This !!

Drink warm lemon water......

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Start the day out with a mug of warm water and the juice of half a lemon.
It's so simple and the benefits are just too good to ignore. Warm water with lemon:
1. Boosts you're immune system
Lemons are h
igh in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.
2. Balances pH
Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not createacidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.
3. Helps with weight loss
Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.
4. Aids digestion
The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis梩he waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.
5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic
Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
6. Clears skin
The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.
7. Hydrates the lymph system
This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of it's proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration ofminerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!
Adopting just this one practice of drinking a cup of warm water with lemon in the morning for a month can radically alter your experience of the day. Don't be surprised if you begin to view mornings in a new light.
Like I said, the recipe is really simple - a cup of warm (not hot) water and the juice from half a lemon.



Our Phones ~ Wireless

Cooking ~ Fireless

Cars ~ Keyless

Food ~ Fatless

Dress ~ Sleeveless

Youth ~ Jobless

Leaders ~ Shameless

Relationships ~ Meaningless

Atitude ~ Careless

Wives ~ Fearless

Babies ~ Fatherless

Feelings ~ Heartless

Education ~ Valueless

Children ~ Mannerless

Women ~ Pantieless

Everything is becoming LESS but still our hopes are ~ Endless.

Infact i am ~ Speechless :-)


1. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue and the hardest bone is the jawbone.

2. The human feet have 52 bones, accounting for one quarter of all the human body’s bones.

3. Feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day.

4. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades. The reason it doesn’t eat away at your stomach is that the cells of your stomach wall renew themselves so frequently that you get a new stomach lining every three to four days.

5. The human lungs contain approximately 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) of airways and 300 to 500 million hollow cavities, having a total surface area of about 70 square metres, roughly the same area as one side of a tennis court. Furthermore, if all of the capillaries that surround the lung cavities were unwound and laid end to end, they would extend for about 992 kilometres. Also, your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Take care!winter season is coming.......!

Grapefruit, cabbage, watermelon and almonds are immunity boosting foods which can help you stay well in the coming winter months

Avoid TV before going to Bed.....

Make sure your kids don’t watch TV before they hit the bed. Even non disturbing content can be a source of distraction.

Be productive through deep breathe......!

Deep breathing at your desk can not only help you beat stress, it can also make you calmer and more productive through the day

Boosting Metabolism.........

A cup of dairy and tea/coffee can help you boost your metabolism so that you burn calories faster and break the plateau in weight loss. 

Yellow Watermelon!! ... ENJOY

Yellow Watermelon!! ... ENJOY>>

A yellow watermelon is a fruit that is nearly identical to a traditional watermelon, but the flesh inside is a bright yellow color instead of red or pink. The taste is also very similar, though some say it has a sweeter or more honey-like taste.

Important to everyone.......must know.......

Making of Avakaya.........

Avakaya is very popular Mango Pickle delicacy from Andhra Pradesh. In India Summer seasonal fruit is Mango. Almost all parts of India busy in making different types of pickles with raw mangoes in summer season.Today's my post is one of the most popular pickle from southern part of India. Main ingredients for this pickle are Mustard seeds,best Raw Mangoes,Good Chilli Powder,Nice gingely oil and Salt. Todays my recipe is famous Andhra delicacy:

Avakaya - Mango Pickle

Raw Mangoes 11/2 kg.
Red Chilli powder 150g
Mustard powder 150g
Salt 120g
Gingely oil 500g
Fenugreek seeds 1 tea spoon
Asafoeteda 1 tea spoon
Clean Raw Mangoes and cut into small medium pieces.(Here mangoes has to cut with inside the seed,but it is little difficult task,but in India we will get helpers.)
After cut the pieces remove seeds and dirt with clean cloth.
Clean all pieces thoroughly with clean dry cloth and keep it aside.
Now grind Mustard seeds in a food processor like fine powder.(here i used mustard seeds,( small size mustrd 75g,big size mustard seeds 75g,)bigger mustard seeds reduce spiciness in pickle,smaller mustards increase the spiciness in the pickle, so balancing the picke i mixed both the seeds.Before grinding mustard seeds dry it under sun 30 min.,otherwise microwave these mustard seeds for 3 to 4min.)
Now take Red chiili powder and mustard powder,fenugreek seeds,asafoteda and Salt in a wide big plate or plastic container.
Mix well this mixture with hands.
Then add 100g gingely oil and mix well again with hands.
Now add Mango pieces and mix well in this mixture and add 200g. gingely oil on the top and close with cloth and keep it aside for 1 day.
Check pickle next day mix well with wooden spoon and add remaing gingely oil and store it in ceramic pickle jar.Third day remove liilte amount of pickle in a small bowl and serve with hot rice and dal and topping with little ghee or gingely oil. (Always use clean wooden or plastic spoon for take out pickle from jar).


Courtesy :: Home made vegetarian recipes

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Food and Body........



Mr.Kalayanasundaram worked as a Librarian for 30 years. Every month in his 30 year experience(service), he donated his entire salary to help the needy. He worked as a server in a hotel to meet his needs. He donated even his pension amount of about ten lakh rupees to the needy. 

He is the first person in the world to spend the entire earnings for a social
 cause. In recognition to his service, the American government honoured him with the ‘Man of the Millennium’ award. He received a sum of Rs 30 crores as part of this award which he distributed entirely for the needy as usual.

Moved by his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father. He still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for serving the society. You can read more about him here .

Team Everest takes immense pleasure to have him as a special guest for our 6 th anniversary event on 20-Oct.

Meet this inspiring soul by being part of Everest 6 th anniversary on 20-Oct.

A will to serve combined with a sense of social justice has been the guiding principle of P. Kalyanasundaram, who has spent over 45 years in social service. A gold medallist in library science, he is also an MA in literature and history. During his 35-year-career as a librarian at the Kumarkurupara Arts College at Srivaikuntam in Tuticorin district, he gave away all his salary for charity and did odd jobs to meet his daily needs. He has also come forward to donate his body and eyes to the Tirunelveli Medical College.

The Union Government has acclaimed him as `The Best Librarian in India'. He has also been chosen as `one of the top ten librarians of the world'. The International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, has honoured him as `one of the noblest of the world', while the United Nations Organisation adjudged him as one of the Outstanding People of the 20th Century'. An American organisation has also selected him as the `Man of the Millennium.'

Mr. Kalyanasundaram, who has founded a social welfare organisation, `Paalam', shares his experiences in a chat with Prathiba Parameswaran.

SIMPLICITY IN life and exemplariness in practice has been the hallmark of Mr. Kalyanasundaram. Born in August 1953 at Melakarivelamkulam in Tirunelveli district, he lost his father at a very young age. It was his mother, who inspired him to serve the poor.

When he was at college, the Indo-China war broke out, and he contributed his gold chain to the then Chief Minister, Kamaraj, for the war fund. At this time around, he went to meet Balasubramanian, Editor, Ananda Vikatan. "He sent me away, saying he would write about me the day I donated something I had earned myself. I did not speak a word to anyone about what I had done. I took it as a challenge," Mr. Kalyanasundaram recalls. Ever since he got a job as a librarian in Tuticorin, he has contributed all his salary, pension benefits and ancestral property to social welfare. It was not until 1990, when he received his pension arrears and contributed it to the Collector's Fund, that the then Tiruneveli Collector felicitated him, despite his protests. The `Paalam' serves as a bridge between donors and beneficiaries: it collects money and materials from those willing to donate and distribute them among the weaker sections. It has also contributed to the cyclone relief funds in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, and has helped the earthquake victims in Maharashtra and Gujarat. "We cannot sustain ourselves, unless we contribute towards the society in someway or the other. I strongly feel if even one person does his bit towards social good, there will be some change," he asserts.

Mr. Kalyanasundaram feels that one must achieve something in his chosen field. His contribution to library science is immense. A thesis he submitted as part of his post-graduate course to the Madurai Kamaraj University fetched him distinction. He has also hit upon an easy way of tracing and accessing books in libraries.

His ability to strike a rapport even with youngsters is remarkable. He cites the instance when he started wearing khadi. At college, he was required to take classes on Gandhianism. "I had to speak about simplicity and everything Gandhi stood for, but I was clad in expensive clothes. That was when I decided to switch over to khadi," he relates. Since then he had always practised what he stood for, making himself a role model for many youths.

He was popular among college and school students, and many of them have joined his organisation.

He has long-term plans for his organisation. One is the setting up of a nationalised digital library with modern equipment, which could be accessed by people from all walks of life.

He also wants to set up an international children's university in Tamil Nadu, with foreign aid. However, he says, a mission has a meaning only when the right people are involved in it. The Directorate of Public Libraries should recruit people with a library science background to be librarians, he says. "And good librarians should have a broad knowledge of everything."

symbols you can't avoid using........!

Health through Tomatoes

10 Health Benefits from Eating Tomatoes

1. Tomatoes are good for your skin.

Tomatoes contain a high level of lycopene, which is a substance that is used in some of the more pricy facial cleansers that are available for purchase over-the-c
If you want to try tomatoes for skin care, you need to start with about eight to twelve tomatoes. Peel the tomatoes and then place the skin on your face with inside of the tomato touching your skin.
Leave the tomatoes on your face for a minimum of ten minutes, then wash. Your face will feel clean and shiny. Some redness may occur, but should fade with time.

2. Tomatoes help prevent several types of cancer.

A number of studies have been conducted that indicate that the high levels of lycopene in tomatoes works to reduce your chances of developing prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer.
Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that works effectively to slow the growth of cancerous cells. Cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene, so go ahead and cook up a batch of your mom’s famous tomato soup.

3. Tomatoes help maintain strong bones.

Tomatoes contain a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on the bones as well as the bone tissue.

4. Tomatoes help repair damage caused by smoking.

No, eating tomatoes is not the most recent fad to help you quit smoking. However, tomatoes can reduce the amount of damaged done to your body by smoking cigarettes.
Tomatoes contain coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid that work to protect the body from carcinogens that are produced from cigarette smoke.

5. Tomatoes provide essential antioxidants.

Tomatoes contain a great deal of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. This is primarily because these vitamins and beta-carotene work as antioxidants to neutralize harmful free radicals in the blood.
Free radicals in the blood stream are dangerous because it may lead to cell damage. Remember, the redder the tomato you eat is, the more beta-carotene it contains. In addition, you also want to keep in mind that cooking destroys the Vitamin C, so for these benefits, the tomatoes need to be eaten raw.

6. Tomatoes are good for your heart.

Because of the Vitamin B and potassium in tomatoes, they are effective in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure. Therefore, by including tomatoes in your regular balanced diet you can effectively prevent heart attacks, strokes as well as many other heart related problems that may threaten your life.

7. Tomatoes are good for your hair.

The Vitamin A in tomatoes works perfectly to keep your hair shiny and strong. In addition, it also does wonders for your eyes, skin, bones and teeth.

8. Tomatoes are good for your kidneys.

Adding tomatoes without seeds to your diet has been proven in some studies to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

9. Tomatoes are good for your eyes.

The Vitamin A found in tomatoes is fantastic for improving your vision. In addition, eating tomatoes is one of the best foods to eat to prevent the development of night blindness.

10. Tomatoes are good for diabetics.

Tomatoes are packed full of the valuable mineral known as chromium. It works effectively to help diabetics keep their blood sugar levels under better control.

Take care of your eyes........

Get rid of under-eye dark circles~

One of the best home remedies to fight dark circles is using cucumber slices on your eyes.
Applying cool cucumber slices on your eyes can be soothing and reduces puffiness and prevent skin discolouration.
Use them for five to ten minutes and see a marked improvement in your under-eye area.

Another effective homemade remedy would be using tea bags on your eyes. Tea bags contain caffeine and anti-oxidants, that help repair damaged skin. Take used tea bags, cool them, squeeze them and keep them on your eyes for 10 minutes.

Raw potatoes also help in reducing dark circles. Cool a potato in the refrigerator and cut it into very thin slices. Keep applying them 2-3 times a day for around 20 minutes.

Almond oil is considered as an effective remedy to remove dark circles. Massaging the area with almond oil before going to bed also diminishes dark circles.

Avoid high heels.........!

X-Ray of foot in high heeled shoe.......!
just look at the physical stress that is placed on the joints ! It is very sad to see what people do to themselves "physically" in the name of fashion.
its harmful "morally" and also "physically" so STOP just coping blindly other fools... 2 lines of knowledge can make u more attractive than 2 inches of heel.
avoid it, Ur health is more important .

Easier way to get blood.........

అందరికి తెలిసేలా షేర్ చేయండి..

అన్ని దానాల్లోకెల్లా మిన్న రక్తదానం. ఎందుకంటే... ప్రాణాపాయస్థితిలో వున్న వ్యక్తికి రక్తం ఇచ్చి ప్రాణం కాపాడడమంటే... అంతకన్నా పరోపకారం ఏముంటుంది? అన్నదానం, విద్యాదానం మొ ఏ దానం చేయాలన్నా ప్రాణమున్న మనిషికే చేస్తాం..

Facts about sweet potato

Health benefits of sweet potato!
Superior fiber content
Sweet potatoes contain almost twice as much fiber as other types of potatoes. Contributing close to 7 grams of fiber per serving, they make an excellent starchy addition to any meal. T
he high fiber content gives them a "slow burning" quality. This basically means their caloric energy is used more slowly and efficiently than a low-
fiber carbohydrate.

They contain a large amount of vitamin B6. This vitamin is crucial in breaking down a substance called homocysteine, which contributes to hardening of the arteries and blood vessels. Vitamin B6 helps keep the walls of these important blood passageways flexible and healthy which allows blood to flow freely.

In addition, sweet potatoes contain high amounts of potassium. Potassium plays an important role in lowering blood pressure by ridding the body of excess sodium and regulating fluid balance. It is also an important electrolyte that helps regulate the natural rhythm of the heart, and maintains normal function of the brain and central nervous system.

Rich in beta-carotene
Beta-carotene or vitamin A is an important antioxidant. One medium sweet potato provides your body with the complete recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and then some. Vitamin A is useful in the prevention of several different types of cancer as it is one of the most potent antioxidants out there.

Beta-carotene also helps to internally protect your skin from sun damage by both deflecting and repairing cell damage caused by excessive UV exposure. It also is an excellent nutrient for eye health and has been linked to prevention of vision loss and macular degeneration.

A great source of manganese
Manganese is a little-discussed trace mineral that has some great health benefits. It is a pivotal component in the metabolism of carbohydrates which helps support healthy blood sugar levels. This can help stabilize the appetite for hours as opposed to the temporary satisfaction that comes with most other carbohydrates.

It also is a cofactor in enzymes that play an important role in the generation of energy as well as the efficient utilization of antioxidants. It is used for the treatment of anemia and is useful as a treatment for several premenstrual symptoms in women as well.

Rich in vitamins C and E
As if being one of the top vegetable sources of beta-carotene weren't enough, sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins C and E. These are potent antioxidant vitamins that play an important role in disease prevention and longevity.

Both vitamins also play a huge role in the health and beauty of your skin and hair, making them popular supplements. The combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C in one food makes the sweet potato one heck of a "beauty food". These nutrients all contribute to a healthy, glowing complexion and vibrant hair.

Mandarinfish, a rare member of the dragonet family

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